Another simple wa-lolita(japanese-ques lolita)Yukata.
and also testing my new camera - Durand (Canon S3) i just bought not long ago. Still testing and experimenting, becuz this camera got MORE functions than my last one- Nikon Coolpix.
Tiara's first attempt in Cosplay! cosplaying as Enma Ai from the anime 'jigoku shoujo'(Girl From hell). Tho it was not done on purpose, cuz i just wanna make a typical japanese doll with the kimono and the black 'hime' wig i bought from Josephina_Di_Venetia(HK) last time. Surprising, she pretty fit into this cosplay ^^ and i love to see her in a Japanese-ly look~ one of my friend said she has the aura of a regal princess...perhaps i'll try to do one if i can XD;;;;