Tenshi No Sato finally, i am here~~終於達成多年來的願望了~~

I brought two of my daughters to Sato, Aeyra & Tiara.

and of course, yours truly must take pic in sato too XD;;;

It was very nice of them to provide the doll owners a basket to bring the dollies around for photos and leisures ^^

Yogi setting up his boy for some photos too ^^

Met a Canadian dollowner whose speaks good japanese, as she mistook I'm a Japanese. She loves twins, and her dears are really really adorable

Her twin msds, sorry I couldn't catch their names ><; should have as for a website or email exchange with her...

Tiara enjoying her moments here too.

Tiara taking her cozy time in Sato~

while i curi snaps on the people around the lobby XD;

Aeyra's enjoying her time here too ^^

An autumn setting for indoor phototaking.

oh, and featuring a cuteyyy sheep~~~

Outside the lobby is a beautiful garden with foliages.

Sato is really beautiful during this Autumn foliage.

Can't miss any opportunity like that to take photos with the dollies.


other dollowners also taking their sweet time with their beloved dollies for a nice photograph here.

I love the mosses, is goes really well match with the foliage.

Some foliage turn into golden color, which is very nice too.


some promotional posters for the upcoming event, dolpa 24 this coming December.

Saw a guy dollowner having a MIKU dollie, so i requested him for a photo of her ^^

One off lottery.... well, i m not sure if it's applicable for a non-member... but i still filled up and drop it into the box... please, make it happened!!!! XDDD luck me luck me luck me~~!!!

Another short photostory from Sato's trip... XD; enjoy~

Me: Say Cheese~~ *snaps*

Me: Hey Hiro, come and take a picture together with them.
Hiro:Oh, okay, please try to make me smarter in your photos...
Ae: ...smarter...smartass laa = =;;;;
Me: o..kay ^^;;;;;;;*sweat*

Ae:is you again...

Hiro: what are you looking at??!

Ae: HMMMPPH! 'daikirai'!!! <--despicable!!!
note: Aeyra happened to dislike Hiro is because Hiro used to bully him last time...as usual ^^;;;;
The End.