I especially love this set of outfit, it's from Jenny's collection, other than that, got a very nice hoody which make her looks very Lolita-ish too

this one is from dollheart~ very nice craftmenship, and this outfit makes lil Seara look sooo mature, like a OL XD;;

Dollheart shoes!! love it!! ish very expensive and it was a gift from Lily's fren. The packaging for the shoes were really nice, and of course, the shoes itself ish really awesomely detailed! expensive, but worthy too. I really hafta agree, sometimes, things are better to buy than make ourselve, and this shoes are a very good example.

ahah, their actually heights/difference. Ignore the bg, we were rushing on the costumes and accessories for the next day (CF05 day 1) XD;;; i was the most relaxing one, cuz i din cosplay and was free to play around with her kids ,ekekekeke

this is using my digicam, sorry for the prev shots, was my handphone cam, an upclose on lil Nana~ *hearties*

This was taken from CF. First time i see ppl take pic with their dollie, esp a blythe and a Pullip. Somemore, 3 photographers with very GENG digicam to take pics!!!

i think the doll belongs to this gal, and my guess was.... jooli.com 's? cuz i get very familiar when she took out the blythe and pullip out to take pic with Shizune they all. Her Pullip was indeed pwetty, love her outfit
yup, that's me.. :)
*hearties welcome*
a pleasant surprise for you to drop by my Seara's blog *bows* becuz i'm a petit fan for ur jooli.com, th outfit you made are simply adorable.
thanks again^^
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