For the very first time, i actually representing my blog attending an event -
Sabah Bloggers Gathering 2009. All thanks to the sponsor(official venue)-
Imperial Hotel, I was the lucky first 50 registered blogger to get a free ticket for the event*hearties*
The theme is HALLOWEEN~~~ so most of the attendancee dressed up that night, and of course, even yours truly dress up as a dolly lolita. I tried to synchro mine with Aeyra's outfit, but too bad, I am out of time to prepare for more. Anyway, overally was fun and bringing a doll and a camera and DRESSED UP seriously couldn't do many things, especially taking photos... by far, managed to saved a few from the event.
First off! FEWD! Frankly, IT'S MORE THAN WAT U SEE HERE... is just dat I don't wanna get dirt on my costume, i limited myself to something easy to eat ^^; and it's cute too ~

An impressive performance by a local musician,
Roger Wang. I was sitting quite near to the stage, so the speaker nearly blast my eardrums away ^^;;;

I din get to taste this lovely vanilla cake, too busy photoshooting (by others *lol*)

Darling Aeyra 3rd time meeting the public? The first time was at Hobbycon 2008 and then Comic Fiesta 2008. Managed to saved a few photos of her at the event due to the dark surrounding... my camera dont like dark dark /dim lights =(

my handmade pumpkin bag XD to put in my wallets and camera ^^

Aeyra with a real pumpkin jack XD

Lastly, Happy Halloween~~ ^^