*ignore the bg plz XD;;* i've successfully made a t-shirt with the pattern i found from DoA and mwee~ basically, all here ,except for the shoes, are made by myself *prouds* heheh~ actually, the whole outfit is very simple to sew, so, nothing much prouder i could get about this, just happy i can make something for Seara lately ^^

some closeups i took in a beautiful afternoon, i love the lighting, but dang, from here, i can see how 'char'(bad) i am in doing face up DX;; all the 'weakpoints' are turned out in these close ups, really need another new face up when i got my MSC back from Mel first ^^; ish sooo bad ar... but from far, you wont notice it at all, i even put in some lashes for Seara, that's why i took close up pics of her for this, yet it shows so much flaws i did on her face ^^; really needa re do her face up...seriously, esp her eyes.. needa blend more on this...
click here for a bigger version of the pic (becuz HELLO resized my pic when i post it just now ^^; )
Hi Amber,
Good work on the t-shirt and mini pleated skirt. What is DoA? I am looking to buy some boots for my Momoko, do you know where can I buy them locally?
And I love the closeups you put together of Seara..very artistic.
hey sertyan ^^
thanks, but i feel sorry for her, cuz i din have much time for her during cny, was busy 'bai nian' and outing with frens XD;;
DoA is the shortname for a forum http://www.denofangels.com it's actually mainly about bigger ball-jointed doll in this forum board, but i find it quite useful esp about customising doll and some sewing patterns from there too ^^
if you're looking for nicer boots, usually are from the Barbie's fashion fever collection*barbie stuff can get from anywhere ^^*.
but I recently found out a supermarket call CKS @ Donggongon got sell some cheap shoes and boots at the toys & stationery dept, at least the boots they have are more than what JUST FOR YOU @ centrepoint have now.
hope this help ^^
Hi Amber,
I know which shop you are talking about, the CKS at Donggongon. I saw the shoes there once. But I have not bought any yet. Do they fit 1/6 scale dolls?
Hi Amber!
I went to CKS to buy 2 packets of those shoes last weekend.
I bought one pair of black boots but they don't fit Momoko. Another packet has one pair of chunky brown shoes and one pair of white shoes. Only the white pair fits Momoko. So have you bought any and do they fit your doll?
by the way..I updated my blog with a new outfit today and Momoko is wearing that white pair of shoes bought from CKS!
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