Finally, found some time to sew and did a new face up for Seara. Works and freelancing are keeping me occupied lately, hardly find some time to sew for her... and yay, i did a little dress for her.

amongst the shots i took this morning, this is my favourite ^^ and a lil close up on her new face up too

Close up from the side, but this time, the lashes din turn up nice compare to last time. But i like her new face-up, looks different and ...sweet XD;;; * i m not egoist about my face up skill, but i m just so happy to see her new look* XD;;;

Actually, sorta my first attempt on this kinda pattern, compare to the old one, a bit *improved* becuz i learnt from the mistakes i had before ;3 needa practise more!

frankly, this was took in the morning before i head to work XD;;; a rare moment i can get the sunlight for her photoshooting ^^;

Seriously, dearie Seara need wigs, but it's pretty hard to find wig of her size. Those available at Volks are very limited to a few size ^^;; anyone know a good online shop selling good and reasonable price of a 1/6 doll wig (app. 3-4" diameter). That's all for now, will try to update more on TLR soon~ . Adios ^^/
Wai! Seara-chan cho cute o <3 Her face up's very nice what :D I like her wig <3<3<3 Kana to Seara-chan ganbatte yo!!! <3
Hi Amber!
Seara's new face and new dress are both very sweet. Looking forward to seeing more of your sewing creations!
aslah> thanks for dropping by ^^ but still need a decent one lagi... hard to find >w<;;;
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