the boots were borrowed from Sakana's Shizune, thank you~ ^^ at least Tiara is presentable in this boots with the outfit ^^

It's Seara and Tiara's first time being exposed to public, i was quite shy to display my doll at my booth, becuz i really not so used to have dolls showing to public. But i do gets the pleasure when people appreciate them and some did take photos on them ^^

Yogi's son, an One-Off SD13 Volks Cecile. He was one main attraction to our booths, the majestic outfit simply draw a lot of photographers to him XD

My booth neighbour dolls, owned by a group of wonderful OURAN cosplayers *hearties* whilst their doll are in Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts cosplay, lovely <3

Another side of my booth neighbour XD; Princess Aki or Yoake on DOA ^^ her boy Haiame (SD Ken), took pic with Aslah's Shiro (Tensiya Hound). Haiame is reallly adorable. I dont know why, i always fell for either msd/SD ken than Mika... but.. it's the same mold rite? why i always felt the difference between them? optical illusion or it's just me myself feeling this way ^^;

Finally, guy meets girl, Tiara finally gets to meet the big kor kor Shiro-kun XD;

Crystal's boy, my very first time encountered an eLuts doll, very nice skin color and looks really kakkoi in real life too *_*
Below are taken at Lily's place ^^ met Lee Siang's Ki-chan (Volks Ko Tenshi Tsubaki) and also Tiara's sister, Rhia-chan (Volks msd sato FCS) ^w^

'chee mui' photos of Tia and Rhia ^w^ supposinly, Rhia is older than Tia (accordding to the arrival date for both), but it seem like Tia looks much mature than Rhia XD;;
And here's a little omake before we leave Lily's place and back to KK that day

Tia: I gotta go lor, be good girl ya *pats*
blurblur Rhia XD; : uhn *nods*

Took picpic with Ki-chan tooo, Li said the way my Tia pose looks like 'hoolijing'(fox) oh~. Well, mebbe she is potential in being 'yao'(evil) XD;;;;

The Yukata girls~ Ki-chan and Rhia-chan XDDD

when Dollfie Plus meets Momoko XD;;; frankly, i dun like momoko's body =X is very diffrent from Volks and Obitsu, esp regarding the pose-ability... but still, momoko had a very special features, that makes me soo attracted to them ^w^

the 1/6 group pics. Momoko and the customized C head (on EB beauty body) belongs to Lily ^^ oh, and i forgot to mention, Seara is wearing a set of Jenny clothing i bought for her from Singapore ^w^ really rare for me to buy stuff for Seara, esp clothing. But i only buy those i cant make myself XD;;

Tia is wearing Ki-chan's wig. Tia did tried on some Lily wig, black color simply dont suit her, only blonde or light colors will looks better on her ^^

this is my most fav shots of Tia i have so far, i love her in this wig <333
And lastly, the quick OMAKE i did for some random photos i took during the trip, it's just for fun, hopefully i din offend any of you in here lar ^^;;;
Note: plz click on the pictures to view a bigger size of it ^w^

wahh!!! Tia-chan so cute! and all the pics of them dolls...all are gorgeous and i really wish i was there...T__T
kei> thanks ^^ eheh, there's always another year of these event to go, somemore, got Comic Fiesta 2006 again this coming Dec, do try to come and meet us, also got quite a lot of Malaysian BJDoll owner around ^^
wow!!!! i love your blog =)
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