Thank you JinLin(Trirose),Crystal-chan gar(Black_Wing Dias)~,Amber,Lina,David,James,Atticus and Winnie for coming~~. And also a pleasant surprise from Miaow and Carline too!!! LONG TIME NO SEE~ !!!(except Miaow,cuz i've met her @ CF07 liao~ yet i got another shocking news from her, she's leaving to US soon ToT~~Miaowww, all the best to you~!!! )
and also very veryyveryyyyy sorry if i didn't get to talk much with some of you~ TwT please forgive me, me not in organizing dollmeet~ *bows* but it's a pleasure to meet y'all~~ !!!
I don't know why or wat with me, most of the pics i took are either too grainy or shaky TwT managed to save a few~
My Tia spent her happiest day with Sefa ~ tho the farewell was a bit upset for her ^^; poor distant lover...

finally, they get to MEET AGAIN!!! TwT

Their costumes were made by Crystal-chan gar~(Black_Wing Dias)~ thank you sooo much for this gift!!! and finally we have them to take pic together in this costume~~~~

Looks like wedding pic XD;;;;;; but they are still minors laaa~

In casual look!!! in couple t-shirts~~ *more RabuRabu~~* XDDD;

Tia's first time in casual attire~ and it was a quick sewing~ done the skirt on the night before i fly to KL XD;

Tia meet new friends~~~ Lina's kids ^^ sorry, i forgot to ask their names... ^^;;;;;;;

JinLin's Ai-chan~~ pwettyyyyy ~~ i should have brought the kimono i made for her to try too!!! >3<

I never tot i could meet this cuteyyy, a Piposdoll rite? the same one as Baha? XD;;sorry, i m lack of dollie info~
this ROBIN belongs to Winnie~~~ is chooooooooo kawaiiiii!!!!!!!! *melts*

And is my first time meeting Atticus's grown-up lengchai boy - Vergil-kun ^^

Amber's Bijou (SD13 Kristal)~ made me desperately want a SD13Girl too TwT she is sooo beautifullll, and REALTHING of this SD13 Kristal is SO MUCH NICER than the official pics , that's why i love VOLKS so much !

i feel like giving this tagline for this pic : "can't take my eyes off you..." is very RabuRabu feeling in this pic too *hearties*
oh, and that's JinLin's boy - Heath (aka Rosy after he dressed up XD )

Atticus the GENG-ness~ he made Lina's dollie able to pose in this way(which is very very hard for me to do so @_@;; )!! is teh awesome!!! i should try on Tia someday XD;;; it's very interesting to do so 8DDD

Lastly, dollies belongs to James and David ^_^ so sorry, i forgot to ask their names again so soo sorry~
but both of them are simply gorgeous~~ it was a pleasure to meet them too! *bows*
and that's all from me , thanks for viewing ^_^
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