She is one an unexpected angel in my life. I remember the first time i saw her, it was almost like a love at first sight when Lily shown me the photos of SDC Ren for dolpa 15!! I didn't expect, there would be one doll (other than FCS-06 headmold) would have the look and FEELINGS ,similar to the Anais i love. At that time, I tried to avoid on getting anyMSD-sized doll, but things like to happen at my most least expected time . So, a 'love struck', plus helps from Lily and her friend, i managed to fetch her home on the 16th May 2006.
Begins my the life living together with bjd for the first time XD; 2 years, still HAPPY TOGETHER~ ^_^

I've made a Vanilla cake for her 2nd birthday ^_^

She is wearing a lovely Volks white santa outfit~ gift from Guki-chan~~ thank you very muchie~ Tia love it sooo muchieee!!!! and it's my first time seeing her on MAIDO costume!! Tia moe? XD;;;

"go shujin sama?"

look! 2 special gifts!! from her love one (Sefa-kun~~~).

*lolz* the mouses!! they talk!!!! XDDDD;; izzit somekinda 'love messengers' from him? ;3 using the mouses XD;;;;;

and Tia named them, Titikus and Mimisikus XD;;;
happy belated b'day, Tiara!
so cute titikus and mimisikus~ lol =D
eeeeeeeeeeee chef like clothes omg! kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
wow congratulation!!
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