It's kinda hard to relate dollies with food reviews XD;; but i tot it would be interesting to bring either one of them for an outing which i've been longing for XD;;; eventually, I went there twice, due to the first day, the F&B couldn't make it on time, but then, we still get to have one complimentary drink and some light serving, until 2nd day is the official food tasting instead XD;;;;....
First day was fine, the food was nice too, but then... Tiara wants something else...

unfortunately, no choco but a Tuna Topped and a Cheese Ham sandwiches ^^;

i ate the cheese ham, and i left the tuna topped one for Tia.

lorrr, she's dissapointed cuz no choco ^^;;;;

Thank goodness an ice-blended mocha(which also yours truly's all time favourite) saved a smile from her XD;;;;

the other bloggers & also my fellow friends too XD; taking pics for their blogs as well ;3
The 2nd day~ i decided to bring Aeyra ^^ But sadly, my camera do no justice for her with the poor lighting in there TT;;;;; I managed to save this ONE and ONLY pic of her at the coffee bean there *le sighs*

guess what next? ....THEY DO HAVE CHOCO(brownies) IN THEIR PROMOTIONAL F&B!!!! awwww, sorry for dearie Tiara~~~~~~

These sandwiches basically are similar to the what they served us yesterday. Of all, I like the brownies most ,cuz i luuuurve chocolates too ^^
Seriously, I m not good at reviewing things, but I am basically a coffeebean fan XD;;; if you asked me how to rate, as a fan, is pretty biased, i certainly give good feedbacks about coffeebean's F&B XD;;;; cuz it's really good *lolz* XD;;;;;;;;;;
Coffeebean, tea leaf or dollie? still DOLLIE XDDDDDD;;;;
p.s. sorry for the lame title & photostory~~ cuz i am so in 'chapalang mode' when typing this out XD;;;;
oooh and one more thing, on behalf of The Little Room , THANK YOU TO COFFEEBEAN FOR THE AWESOME FREEEEE F&B XDDD;
Oh the cuteness TwT
IRTeA >thank you <3
love the dolly. Can I date her? please...just joking...
hi eric~ thanks for dropping by ;D
sorry to say, she's taken oredi =P heheh
OMG pretty >.<
I like Tia's checkers shirt XD
thankies massy ^^
i like it too~ i bought the shirtdress from a singaporean fren hehe ^^ really good craftmenship of her stuff~~
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