This year's CF, i spend most of my time with the dolls XD; unfortunately, my digicam didn't do any justice to most of my takes, manage to pick a very few from hundreds i've took from the event.... which means, i desperately need a new digicam soon TAT;;;;
Okie dokie, off for some photos~

Our last minute preparation doll display, it was rather simply cuz we wasn't able to carry much of the decoratings, but gladly a few items we brought manage to make some presentable display for photographers and visitors to see ^_^

Then Wilde(Too) and Ashlay(Bee-A) joined in ^^ I was overwhelmed by the amount of photographers and visitors taking pics of our doll displays. I am really happy about this, tho i was a little shy to put them out and showing it to the publics. There are even some people requested me to take pics with Tiara XD;
(From left : Reine(Yo SD Suzuna),Shizune(she's like Tiara's god-sister,becuz she is a SDCute too,Kurenai in precise),Tiara, Ashlay, Wilde, Caera and Seara)

Tiara & Ashlay ^^

Then, Fuyuki(Yukinojo) came~ it's a pleasure to meet him!!!! and very happy to meet Trirose with her two kids(Sakaki & Isao) and Constance with her Fuyuki at that time too~!!! Such pleasure~! Akihoshi oso there too~, she brought Madren(Custom House) and HYOU CHANNNN (DoD Si(!!!! dang, i din get to take photos of HYOUCHANNNN TTwTT ;;;; i couldnt recall WHY I DIN take any pics of him?! aaaa~~~!!!! Hyo~~;w; .....

I manage to bring my Tiara to another doll booth (Furuba Dys)to pay a visit to the other dollies there ^^ Another huge gathering over there~! I can't remember much of the dolls, cuz i m new to all of them, except for Hooli's PF girl and Sizer's Cain(Luts...ermm...dunno what kind ><;;is the silver wig one)

A Kohya/Tohya(?), finally, gets to meet one in flesh (aka Resin)!! *__*

I heard, they are meant to be a couple. The Luts was really sexy, wonder if he's cold, cuz the aircon was quite cooling dat time XD; *jkjk,no offend ^^;*

*giggles* My little girl blushed! XD;;;; indeed, she was really anxious and shy when she was asked to sit on this Maddie kor-kor side XD;;;;; Honestly, Tiara never gets near to any big kor kor other than her god brother-Chihiro XD;

Tiara with Madren & Tsutomu! but Hyo-chan already in the bag TwT i was like... a min late to take pic of Hyo-chan, cuz Aki was bout to leave soon TwT...
CF Day 2 (17th Dec 2006, Sun)

this time, i dont need to take care of the doll booth, cuz we only booked for one day, the 2nd day, i have my Tiara 'tumpang' at Furuba Dys ^_^ Ahah, poor Isao, couldnt get up from the 'pools' of laps XD;;;;;the rest did nothing but watching on him to gets up his own xD;;;;

I realized that, my girl tend to be really shy when she sit near to any bishie kor kor XD;;;;;;

Couldn't miss out to meet CBY's Riuen (msd Ken) and Miaow's Adrienne (Bee-A)

Once Tiara met with Riuen, she was delighted, cuz she tot she was Riuei XD;; Tho he looks abit garang, but Tia wasn't afraid to get closer with him XD;;; Reine also came and join in the 'fun' <---*touch Riuen's knees* XD;;;;;;;;;;;

Back at home, Tia was too tired and rest on her brother's laps ^^ how lovely to see oniisan pampered his little sister ^^

I love this simple snap on them ^^ My Tia love her niisan very much ne~ Tiara 'kyuuuu' on Chihiro X333333
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