Here we go again, another year for Comic Fiesta 2009. But this year, I couldn't make it to The Doll Affair 2009 in Singapore due to both event fell on the same date.
Me and my partner(in crime) YogiTori did a doll display under our 'ginka no chika' fan circle/group- Deep Black Sea. It was a last minute idea to do display because... our SUPPOSING RELEASE doujinshi didn't make it, so we have this as backup plans for our booth. All the doll clothings are belongs to YogiTori. Yogi's boy, a one-off Cecile- Chihiro is wearing captain Cecile's default outfit, my two boy, Yuhra is wearing a dollheart Pirate Land outfit and Schora is wearing a dollheart Kernaghan outfit. Damn you Yogiiiiiiii, now I've got 'poisoned' because both Yuhra and Schora looks so MOE(good) in those outfits, I wannnnnnnnnnt!!!! I hope dollheart will keep releasing more pirates or naval related outfit in future again~~.
Other than that, I also gets to learn more and make more dolly-friends and fans around ^_^ I am glad that Comic Fiesta gave us an option to have tthis booth-neigbouring request for the booth owners, we got ourselves a village(with my 'in-laws' and friends, the Rose-Sakura-Wing,O!Saru, Rebellious, 'Panda in Bamboo forest' and palace of enchantment in an area or nearby. kindly refer to the floorplan to see for the village location. We all had so much fun together~ I really hope that i can make it to 2010 again~~tho i never missed any CF,but every year is a worry year...or it's just me^^; ;;
#2 This is how we displayed our dolls up, it's a PIRATES theme~ yay~~ from L-R, Yuhra, Schora and Chihiro respectively. More reports and photos can be found at Deep Black Sea Blog.

#3 Schora debut in CF09!!!! so are Yuhra-kun XD;;;

#4 Tsukushi's little girl, I didn't catch her name, sorry ~~~
Me and my partner(in crime) YogiTori did a doll display under our 'ginka no chika' fan circle/group- Deep Black Sea. It was a last minute idea to do display because... our SUPPOSING RELEASE doujinshi didn't make it, so we have this as backup plans for our booth. All the doll clothings are belongs to YogiTori. Yogi's boy, a one-off Cecile- Chihiro is wearing captain Cecile's default outfit, my two boy, Yuhra is wearing a dollheart Pirate Land outfit and Schora is wearing a dollheart Kernaghan outfit. Damn you Yogiiiiiiii, now I've got 'poisoned' because both Yuhra and Schora looks so MOE(good) in those outfits, I wannnnnnnnnnt!!!! I hope dollheart will keep releasing more pirates or naval related outfit in future again~~.
Other than that, I also gets to learn more and make more dolly-friends and fans around ^_^ I am glad that Comic Fiesta gave us an option to have tthis booth-neigbouring request for the booth owners, we got ourselves a village(with my 'in-laws' and friends, the Rose-Sakura-Wing,O!Saru, Rebellious, 'Panda in Bamboo forest' and palace of enchantment in an area or nearby. kindly refer to the floorplan to see for the village location. We all had so much fun together~ I really hope that i can make it to 2010 again~~tho i never missed any CF,but every year is a worry year...or it's just me^^; ;;
Secondly, I tried to take as many pictures of the little couple, Tiara & Sefa. This has always been my priority to do for them cuz they only gets to meet each other once a year T__T poor them~ But I am glad that the couple outfits i got it from Colourful Forum marketplace for them was all worthwhile, both of them looks cute in it ^^ I am happy to see them enjoying their lovely time together @ CF09 too~
ok, enuff of my chapalang(randomzzzz),i'll let the photos do the talking~ enjoy ^^
p./oh, and excuse for the noises and bluuuuurliness of my photos here ><; my digicam 'can't take good pics indoor,especially bad lightings around~ please bear with it cuz this is the best one i could able to save and present for you guys~ thousand apologiezzz (bows 90degree)
p./oh, and excuse for the noises and bluuuuurliness of my photos here ><; my digicam 'can't take good pics indoor,especially bad lightings around~ please bear with it cuz this is the best one i could able to save and present for you guys~ thousand apologiezzz (bows 90degree)
#2 This is how we displayed our dolls up, it's a PIRATES theme~ yay~~ from L-R, Yuhra, Schora and Chihiro respectively. More reports and photos can be found at Deep Black Sea Blog.

#3 Schora debut in CF09!!!! so are Yuhra-kun XD;;;

#4 Tsukushi's little girl, I didn't catch her name, sorry ~~~
#5 At Joey's booth~ I'm glad to meet her again, I think we havent met for quite lot since the last dollmeet? O_O; gua... anyway, happy to see her and her kids again ^^

#6 From here on, will be massive-img for the little couple, Sefa Ivan + Tiara Lyelane

#7 Happy students~ XD;

#8 love to read books~





#13 one of my best shot for this HAPPY FACE, shiawaseeee ne Sefa kun ^^


end of couple photography, and now, we proceed to Rose-Sakura-Wings booth~
#15 Crystal chan gar(in-law)'s new book, Alleluya!!! Gundam 00中毒的成果 XDDD;;;

#16 and little one.... oh dear, i forgot her name again orzzzz;;;; sorrryyyyy

#17 Spotted a C-head boy~~ and behind him, Con's boy ^^

#18 Seiyume & Kitty's kids @ O!Saru booth.

#19 She's Sheryl~!! couldnt take my eyes of you~~ u so beauuuutiful girl~
#21 会放电的。。。好危险,还是不要对她

#23 another School C~ i believe both (and the previous) one belongs to Hammi-san desho..?

#6 From here on, will be massive-img for the little couple, Sefa Ivan + Tiara Lyelane

#7 Happy students~ XD;

#8 love to read books~





#13 one of my best shot for this HAPPY FACE, shiawaseeee ne Sefa kun ^^


end of couple photography, and now, we proceed to Rose-Sakura-Wings booth~
#15 Crystal chan gar(in-law)'s new book, Alleluya!!! Gundam 00中毒的成果 XDDD;;;

#16 and little one.... oh dear, i forgot her name again orzzzz;;;; sorrryyyyy

#17 Spotted a C-head boy~~ and behind him, Con's boy ^^

#18 Seiyume & Kitty's kids @ O!Saru booth.

#19 She's Sheryl~!! couldnt take my eyes of you~~ u so beauuuutiful girl~
#21 会放电的。。。好危险,还是不要对她

#23 another School C~ i believe both (and the previous) one belongs to Hammi-san desho..?

#24 Tiara & Rhia~~~ the sisters finally get to meet again after soooo many years (more than 4 years boh?). Thank you Lily for coming tooo~~~is missing you sooo much now lorrr dearie~~ me dunno when will i'll be coming to KL again... tho the possibility is the next CF2010.

#25 SaintAya's booth. This couple really caught my attention becuz the outfits are soooooo prettyyyy and i lurrrve it so much~


#27 the way they pose, really nice and i specifically love this shot ^^

#28 From Saintaya's booth too, all dollies belongs to her too ^^ i m overwhelmed by her numbers of dolly too.

#29 Second Day's display at Oh!Saru, Kitty did all the outfit, i even seen her still sewing on Day-1 , very ganbatte and full effort on it, cuz it's HANDSEW, i kawtaw at chuuu kitty, geng-ness!

#30 Aizen! lorrrr is Shirota ;P

#31 Akane's boy~ Armel & Jin~ cosplaying both her fav chara~~Ky Kiske(Guilty Gear) & Jin (BlazeBlue)

#32 I forgot which booth is this from...was it Palace of Enchanment?

#33 Guki&Silvy's booth~~ cuz i saw Eli and Alex~ Alex is wearing my handmade dresss~~*hearties* and also two little one~ belongs to them respectively too...oso.. i forgot their names....

#34 Glad Silvy and Alex liked my sewing~~ thanks for commissioning me on this dress tooo~~

#35 This was out of our village, but i love how the owner made a Kaito cosplay out of her doll ^^ interesting and kewl~

#25 SaintAya's booth. This couple really caught my attention becuz the outfits are soooooo prettyyyy and i lurrrve it so much~


#27 the way they pose, really nice and i specifically love this shot ^^

#28 From Saintaya's booth too, all dollies belongs to her too ^^ i m overwhelmed by her numbers of dolly too.

#29 Second Day's display at Oh!Saru, Kitty did all the outfit, i even seen her still sewing on Day-1 , very ganbatte and full effort on it, cuz it's HANDSEW, i kawtaw at chuuu kitty, geng-ness!

#30 Aizen! lorrrr is Shirota ;P

#31 Akane's boy~ Armel & Jin~ cosplaying both her fav chara~~Ky Kiske(Guilty Gear) & Jin (BlazeBlue)

#32 I forgot which booth is this from...was it Palace of Enchanment?

#33 Guki&Silvy's booth~~ cuz i saw Eli and Alex~ Alex is wearing my handmade dresss~~*hearties* and also two little one~ belongs to them respectively too...oso.. i forgot their names....

#34 Glad Silvy and Alex liked my sewing~~ thanks for commissioning me on this dress tooo~~

#35 This was out of our village, but i love how the owner made a Kaito cosplay out of her doll ^^ interesting and kewl~

#36 at this time, almost time to say goodbye, and i took a last 'group photos' at Rose-Sakura-Wing booth.
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