Yesterday, she's still a dream.
But today, she is a dream come true ^_^ Finally, i really get to fetch my dreamdoll home at last.
It was really a pleasant surprise, i was expecting she'll be here on Friday, but she came in and waiting at my doorstep for me instead *lolz*
It's my first time, trying on
Volks Dolpa After Event(online), and it was a really lucky chance, i managed to get her into cart, cuz i were told by friends, the Online After Event are very hard to access and put the desire items into the shopping cart during they event day was held. Then, the second miracle is, she avoided from taxation, which i never expected to be. She does bring a lotsa good lucks to me ^_^ from the day i decided to get her, everything has been really smooth going~ in case you are not familiar with her,
She is a Volks Dolpa 19 Limited Edition - Super Dollfie Girl- Tae .
And here are her arrival pictures i took during my lunch break & after work at night, so please excuse for the night shots,I know it's terrible, but i couldnt get enough lighting preperation this short time ><; i'll try to take some better photos of her next time ^^; :

The custom didn't even bother to read the invoice that was put outside the box for them to check, thank goodness, we are blessed and avoided from taxation XD;

It was very well packaged, but my hands... are shaking.... cuz... too excited !! >w<;;;

the items inside *this picture looks likean auction from on Yahoo Japan Auction ^^;;; but NOWAY, I'LL NEVER LET HER GO*

Oh my gosh! my sleepy beauty~~ >w< !!! (my heart nearly fainted, cuz it's uber surreal that my DREAMDOLL is WITH ME NOW!!!! )

*i melts* is a real Anais..... tho volks re-released her as Tae now...but she still the Anais i always love~

welcome home
Aeyra ^_^
Tiara finally gets to meet her 'long lost sister' XD;

The default LE outfits from Dolpa 19 and Dolpa 15 respectively ^^ how i miss Tiara's default outfit, it brings back lotsa lotsa lovely FIRST TIME memories of her ^^
and now ^_^ a new page and memories to collect for
kazoku is a happy family now~. Thanks for all the well wishes, greetings and pray~, i really really really appreciate and grateful for it. You guys are LOVE! thank you so much ^_^
i can finally sew for SD-sized doll too~~~ XDDDDD yay!