gosh, this display had shown how much my 'otaku'-ness has extended ^^;;;;

an overview of my collections for the beginning of 2009!!

i used chopsticks and 2 wooden block to make this temporary rack to display the Code Geass trading figures and the row of coin sized figures above... i hope it stay this way until i feel like changing the display soon...^^;

I love the Code Geass R2 trading figures~ i m very happy with it, it was nicely sculpted and painted ^^ my set consist of a secret Zero and C.C., that's why they are different from the default colours ^^;

my beloved Zero & Lelouch (both are same person wad XD;;;;;; )

Two new dollies~ gift from my sister from her Korea try ^^ there's another DDung doll my mom bought for me from Korea too(both of them went to Korea last month)~ i'll update that doll with some better pictures soon.

the Trio Gintama Character~ lucky~~ i got okita and hijitaka~ the other one is a gift from Yogi, cuz she gacha-ed a triplet of it XD;;;;;;;

lovely chibi To Love-Ru , are my birthday prezzies from ToyBoy and BakaNeko respectively ^_^

Lastly, a chibi voice lockon~<3 "Neraite utsu ze!"
waw kana sama's cupboard full liao! oh those to love ru figures are to die for...i haf 3 of it XD
ahah, ya, it's expanding expanding~ i m eye-ing on lotsa stuff now XD;;;; possible will extend to 3rd space soon hahah~
the love ru are really cute XDDDD many thanks to toytoy and neko~~
Tat's y i wan ORZ u kana sama!!! ORZ!!!!!
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