Saturday, September 24, 2005

Re-Ment Wa-sweeto miniatures

Some 'beehoon' snack she's having now ^^ nice, i really like this re-ment miniatures, even i were placing the food for photoshooting nearly tot it was edible XD;;;;;;;; esp the lil mochi in the baskets, it was so really, and the plate of the 3 triangulars kueh (rice cake) too, yuumm P=

the details of these miniatures reallly awesome! ish definately worth ur money! as they are truly DETAILED 'crafted' and, dey produce ONCE, no reproductions of this set. That's make this set more PRECIOUS! cant wait for my 2nd set of Re-Ment to come too~ Seara ureshii desuka? (Seara : *nods* ^^ ) XDDD

aren't these FOOD simply irresistable to TABE I MASU YO!!! XDDD

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